Free CTN online Classes!

Are you settling into your new home routine? Do your kids need a little movement? Could you use a little extra support? Connect with CTN!
FREE live online get together start this week! Registration is open now, watch for more classes to be added. Our classes will be held on Zoom to allow for us to truly connect with you. Hope to see you!
Supporting the Mind & Body with Essential Oils
Join Lindsay Williamson, OT as she discusses how essential oils can support immunity but also our mental health during this time – for both kids and adults! Pure and potent essential oils can support calming, regulation and focus while also boosting our body’s ability to stay well.
*Tuesday, April 7th 1:00 pm OR Wednesday
, April 8th 8:00 pm
Let’s Move Together!
Join Jenna Mao, our dance/movement therapist, for a free 30 minute movement class. The intention of the class is to increase creativity through movement and release any extra energy that has been building over the past few weeks. Class will feature stretching, yoga, and dance that are easy to do at home in your living room. No yoga or dance experience is required. This class is appropriate for children ages 3+ and their families.
*Thursday, April 9th 10:00 am
Caregiver Support in Navigating COVID-19
Adapting to our new normal of “social distancing” comes with a host of challenges. Balancing work, supporting kids at home, and being together with limited time for breaks can be stressful. Children’s Therapy Network wants to make sure that our parents and caregivers are supported. Join one of our mental health therapists, Jenna, for an online group discussion to process your experiences thus far and support one another. The group is planned to run for approximately 30 minutes and is free for any CTN participant.
*Thursday, April 9th 8:00 pm
Please register for any/all events to claim your spot and receive the link to participate: